SEMRush Review: A Complete SEO Keyword Research Tools

SEMRush Review 2018 article.

Because in this article, I am going to explain to you the actual potential of the SEMRush Tool and give a SEMRush Review to you.

I will be explaining to you, how you can actually use this tool to leverage your website performance.

Excited, yes I know you are!

Okay so, first of all, let me give you a brief intro about what is SEMRush firstly.

What is SEMRush?

Okay so now, when you know big companies are also using it. Let me also explain to you why and how these companies use SEMRush tool.

It is one tool which you can use for doing keyword research to competitor analysis to site audits.

Yes, all of these things using with this single tool.

Do you know? Why is Semrush best alternative other than these keyword research tools?

We all know that the most difficult tasks in running a blog are keyword research, keyword tracking, site audit, backlinks and site audits.

And SEMRush provides all of the features in combined.

The biggest advantage of using SEMRush over others is its competitor research feature.

You can actually go and look in the SEMRush that what keywords your competitor ranks for in Google. And not only that you can also check which pages are driving more traffic to your competitor and who are linking to them.

That’s interesting, I hear you say!

How SEMRush is going to help you?

If you want to create content that people should come and see. Or a content which is guaranteed to work well then you should opt for SEMRush.

You just need to come and put your competitor’s website URL in the SEMRush tool.

And boom, you will get to know that which post is working good for him. So you can also come up with a good quality content on that idea or topic.

You can also see who is linking to your competitor and then you can reach to them. And then ask them to link to you by providing them with some value to their site.

Okay, now you already know how using SEMRush can benefit you.

So let us take a deeper look into SEMRush and let’s see how actually it works and what are its main features.

#1. Get a list of keywords that are guaranteed to bring traffic (Competitor’s Keyword Research).

We all know that keywords are one of the most important factors for your organic traffic. And we also know that choosing bad keywords is not a good thing.

Because suppose you have written good content about some topic. But if you have used the wrong keywords, then nobody from

the search engine is going to come and look at your article.

So using SEMRush you can actually find that what keywords are working for your competitors.

These keywords are surety to you, that your keywords are gonna bring traffic to your site.

SEMRush review

Here you can see that it not only gives you the list of keywords. But it also provides a lot of different data that you can use to judge the best keyword for your website.

Those data are volume, KD (Keyword Density), CPC (USD), URL and traffic%.

You can look at the red boxes to know, which keyword is bringing the highest number of traffic to your competitor’s website. This was the first area of SEMRush Review.

#2. Site Audit: Know what can be improved to rank better in Google.

You can actually improve your website ranking by removing the issues on your website. And SEMRush is your friend who can help you to do this thing.

The SEMRush tool gives you a list of all the issues your website has. Which you can remove to improve the rankings of your website in Google search engine.

SEMRush review

Try it: SemRush 14 day free Trial( Worth 150$)

Let me tell you how it works.

Suppose you are having trouble in increasing your ranking in Google. So you can come to SEMRush and just put your blog’s URL.

And it will tell you that what are the areas that you need to improve in order to get good rankings on Google. This was the second area of SEMRush Review.

#2. Backlink Analysis (The most exciting feature for most of us)

We all want to find out that who is linking to our competitor- didn’t we?

I know the answer is – yes!

You will get all the details such as how many backlinks are there in total, number of domains linking to the competitor’s site and even the ration of do-follow and no-follow links.

SEMRush review

Knowing the number of links your competitor has will help you to create a better link building strategy.

Because we all know that how important is link building.

Link building is very important if you want to boost your search engine traffic and rankings for your keyword.

So to ease your link building analysis task you can use SEMRush tool. It will tell you everything that you need to know about your competitor’s website backlinks. This was the second area of SEMRush review.

#3 Keyword Ranking Tracker (The name actually explains it all).

Yes, I know it is very difficult to track that what are your rankings and positioning for your keyword.

But, SEMRush can help you by making this task simpler for you.

SEMRush review

SEMRush helps you to track the keyword rankings in all the search engines (Mostly Google, Bing and Yahoo).

It can also tell you about your keyword positioning in specific countries and devices (Mobile and Desktop).

And then SEMRush is going to give you the keyword ranking report.

Semrush 14-day free trial(Worth 150$)

It is as simple as that. And this was the third area of SEMRush review.

#4 SEMRush Content Tool (Something you will not find in SEMRush alternatives)

SEMRush tells you that, how well your content is performing.

Whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

You can even know which articles got most shares and that also on what day.

Using this tool you can track the backlinks that your article has got. It also tells you the trust score and page score for each backlink.

This tool also helps you find all the keywords your article is being indexed in Google top 100.

There are the most important features of SEMRush tool. But SEMRush has got more tools for you, which can help you get better results. This was the fourth and last area of SEMRush Review

And you can take a free 30 day trial of SEMRush Tool in order to check those out.

You can also check its plans and prizes section to get a better understanding of it.

So it’s time for Pros and Cons of SEMRush Tool.

Pros of SEMRush Tool.

  • It is a tool that will help you carry most of your website tasks (All In one SEO Tool).
  • It is very easy to find profitable keywords.
  • Site audit data is reliable and very helpful.
  • Competitor research is SEMRush is better than any other SEO Tool.

Cons of SEMRush Tool.

  • Pricing is a little issue for new bloggers. (But completely worth paying it)
  • Sometimes backlink data is not as accurate as compared to Ahref’s tool

These are the Top 25 digital marketing tools to make a Brand presence in Social media.


We have discussed above all modules in Semrush Review and grab 14 days SEMrush free trial. Now, It’s Up to you, will you use for SEO that sure will increase your website Score. If anything missed or, want to know please give your valuable feedback. Thanks for reading and sharing!

  1. very informative article.. i learned a lot about semrush through this article
    keep sharing these post
